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All Posts in Category: Health Basics

How to Heal from Extreme Stress in American Culture and the Debilitating Effects

Recently we had a class on Digestion and it became apparent that many eating and digestive disorders were a direct result of how we race ahead at break-neck speed. We seem to be always in some kind of obsessive routine. It may be the phone, constant deal making, overuse of the computer so much so that  the time to properly chew our food 32 times before swallowing does not exist. We are the only country to actually confirm Restless Leg Syndrome as an actual medical illness with a CPT code. The same goes for Acid Reflux Disease. In Europe Chronic Reflux is not part of their medical coding because it does not exist. We talked about the fact that inability to digest our food properly has lead to a multi-billion dollar market in medications for Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Leakey Gut Syndrome, Gurd, Constipation, and a host of other digestive disorders that make 73% of our population miserable.
Chronic high level stress weakens all of the human bodies 9 organ systems starting with the Neuroendocrine system. First the Adrenal glands are taxed so severely that Cortisol is always high in the blood…eventually over time millions of people get adrenal burnout and cannot produce this stress fighting hormone at all. When that happens the Adrenal Hypothalamic Pituitary Axis starts to shut down. The more it shuts down the more ill a person becomes until they are both chronically and acutely and severely sick.
The AHP Axis is the most important one in the whole homeostatic bio-feedback loop and thus the next issue at hand is that the entire immune system becomes so down regulated….folks are picked apart by many different types of viruses, bacteria and a whole host of opportunistic micro-pathogens.
According to the American Psychological Association, Chronic High Level STRESS eats away at our emotional adaptive resources. While its hard for me to believe the APA, always great at statistical research says as of 2014, 40% of the American population cannot get a full nights sleep. They report of that 40% 32% have at least 3 nights a week in which they do not sleep at all…. Again almost hard for me to believe.. yet that is the hard reality and if you fall into that 40% you will have 2 times the risk of a heart attack.
This type of stress causes severe emotional turmoil and can lead to drug abuse and binge eating disorders. Emotional Distress can eventually if not interrupted, cause disabling depression or a complete nervous breakdown.
We need to slow down to start to talk about solutions. Taking a walk outside each day is relaxing. We need to avail ourselves of meditation. Many research studies on Transcendental Meditation( super easy to learn and do 20 min. 2 times a day can reduce stress by 60% There is also research showing TM can heal the adrenal glands and start to heal the entire AHP Axis. Slowing down and making better choices, like chewing you’re food 32 times per bite can and does have a major impact in recovery. Eating whole foods, cutting down on sugars, and doing 15 min. of light Yoga will go a long way to heal completely from full stress burnout. The key is to do these healing choices DAILY we must all learn that is NOT what you do once in a while that hurts us its the destructive daily habits that really produces great harm….
To all of our family of friend our dear clients at AAI Rejuvenation, we wish you a very conscious clear choice to achieve a true balance of moderate stress and the joy of allowing us to assist you with gaining perfected states of good health.
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Scientists Have “Reversed” Autism In Mice

A complex spectrum of disorders, it’s highly unlikely that there’s a single cause for autism. That said, a number of genes have been linked with the condition, so can a bit of genetic tweaking help lessen symptoms? Maybe in the future, a new study suggests, as scientists have now managed to reverse some autism-like behaviors by manipulating a single gene in both young and adult mice, even improving brain function in certain areas.

“This suggests that even in the adult brain we have profound plasticity to some degree,” lead researcher Guoping Feng from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) said in a statement. “There is more and more evidence showing that some of the defects are indeed reversible, giving hope that we can develop treatment for autistic patients in the future.”

Called Shank3, the gene contains the instructions for a protein found at the connections, or synapses, between nerve cells across which information flows. As a scaffold, it hooks up receptors for chemical messengers (neurotransmitters) with the inner workings of the cell, helping organize the synapse so that cells can respond to incoming signals. It also helps with the formation of little knobbly bits on neurons called dendrites, which receive synaptic messages.

A small percentage of individuals with autism have been found to be missing the Shank3 gene, and a number of mutations within this gene have also been discovered in those on the autistic spectrum. Exactly how these contribute to the condition remains unclear, although earlier work by Feng has contributed to our understanding. Most notably, deleting Shank3 in mice messed up the synapses in a certain brain region called the striatum, reducing the number of dendrites present, and also led to the development of autism-like behaviors such as deficits in social interaction and repetitive actions.

Read the full article herehttp://www.iflscience.com/health-and-medicine/switching-1-gene-adult-mice-reverses-autism-behaviors

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