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  Contact : (760) 481-8800

Medical Research



I have done 38 years of research in the field of natural cellular regeneration. What does natural mean? It means in doing all of this massive research I have only used the infinite supply of natures biochemistry to regrow damaged cells, tissues and organs. Anything which is regenerative is automatically Anti-Aging. In curing my own nearly fatal illness, which all the experts said could not be done…it opened up a whole new world of medical possibilities.

My goal is to save folks from the misery I experienced so that you won’t have too. Over 35 years ago I had viral encephalitis of the brain and spinal cord. It was a living hell in which my life revolved around spending nearly 3 years in bed and 2 years in a wheel chair.

The wondrous aspect of this self journey is that it brought me to Nobel Prize winner Rita Levi Montalcini who won the Nobel Prize in 1985 for her discovery of Embryonic Fetal Nerve Growth Factor which when you were in you’re mothers womb grew you’re brain, spinal cord and all other nerves in the human body. I was the first person on earth to receive injections of this amazing substance. It only made me slightly better, so I gave it great daily consideration and through much research found a scientific fact… All the tissue growth factors of the human body are mobilized to perform cellular regeneration only if there is youthful blood levels of HGH Human Growth Hormone…so I added HGH and certain brain antioxidants to my protocol and in just 18 months I was 100% better. Dr. Rita Levi Montalcini was so impressed she asked me to be her number one PhD assistant. I felt that unfair to her then excellent PhD assistant, nevertheless she and I collaborated on regenerative research for many years and I consider her one of my greatest Mentors in the field of Medical Science. This amazing woman opened up doors for me which has lead me to become an expert in the following fields.

Naturopathy, Tissue Growth Factors and Regenerative Medicine, Hormone Optimization, Diagnosis, Creating original protocols for the successful treatment of many disease states, Anti-Aging Medicine, Immunology, and through my own near death brain injury become an expert in the treatment of all brain related diseases, including brain damage and tumors. Most importantly I only use organic substances from the cornucopia of nature to invent new safe and effective treatment protocols. Here is the greatest part of all, Regeneration equals slowing and even reversing the aging process and I and many of my clients are living proof….My last dog, which was on my anti-aging protocol lived to her mid 20’s, roughly the equivalent of 175 years old for a human.

If that does not peak you’re interest you probably are not interested in this field or what it is that I do to help people. However, if it is of interest, please always feel free to contact me, the first 10 min. is free… and please share this site with all of you’re friends….as they may have a father or mother, a brother or sister who really needs my unique kind of assistance in life.


Many Blessings,

Larry Sosna N.D. PhD HHP